Categories: Korean News

The Wrap-up of Mozilla Seoul Code Party

Over 20 volunteers gathered in crowds on Daum’s small conference room in the night, July 13th. It’s really a night of 13th on Friday, but they don’t scare anything with Mozilla’s heart.

The Mozilla Seoul Code Party is learning meet-up for new volunteers to engage Mozilla activities such as translations of Mozilla Support, MDN documents and Hack’s blog posts and teaching tools for Mozilla Webmaker. It’s the first hackathon style meeting in our community, so we wonder how many people join us.

But, many volunteers came to join us at 7 pm and we have enjoyed four projects including localization of Korean products, Support articles, Hacks blog posts and web services until 7 am in the morning. During 12 hours, we used own etherpad tools to communicate with each members, and help each other with talking and encouragement.

So we finished all of remained jobs on bugzilla for whole aurora products to go beta in this week by Woogie Jeong, Jinkyu Yi, Pilla Lee, MK Yang. SUMO had new members and translated over 10 SUMO articles by Kyeongho, Seonbi, JeongMin and Bitjang. We did 100% of most visited, template and navigation articles, also 54% articles was done of all KB articles. Mozilla Hacks had 3 new member of Jeado.Ko, Parkssie and Woogie Jeong and they published three articles after code party.

Especially Hackasarus’s Korean verson was prepared by Jaebeom and MDN Korean version did by Kenu, Yohans and Charitymen on Over 80% strings are translated and Korean web sites will be opened soon.

We’re very impressed to meet passionated people for Mozilla’s mission and all of them are new members for community. We continue to hold such 2nd and 3rd events on summer too. If you’re interested in joining us, please stay tune to our forum.

You can see the tower of red bulls, pizza box and the clock on above photo. It’s 5:45 am!

3 comments on “The Wrap-up of Mozilla Seoul Code Party”

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  1. Woogie Jeong wrote on

    I really enjoyed my first Mozilla Seoul code party.
    Hearing many stories about Mozilla was stimulating my passion and made me to regret why I didn’t find this kind of activities before.
    Even though we wouldn’t sleep 1 night, it was worth and pleased to meet great people.

    Thanks to Channy to organize the great community and I am already waiting next off-line activities.
    I’ll continue to participating on-line as far as I can do.
    Keep in touch guys~~!

  2. kyeongho wrote on

    we’ve spent great time. i could not forget the night with having sprit of mozila!!!!

  3. Jeado Ko wrote on

    Yep! That was a awesome night! I hope having that part ASAP!!!

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