Mr. Channy Yun, a leader of Mozilla Korean community was invited by Mozilla Japan in Firefox Developers Conference 2010. In this event, over 300 Japanese web developers were joined and learned Firefox 4’s new technologies including Panorama, mobile browser and HTML5.
As a keynote speaker, Jay Sullivan talked about beyond of Firefox 4 challenging in mobile, cloud, apps and social web environment. He gave insights for Mozilla’s new mission in complex changes. Especially John Resig and 5 Japanese developers did a confrontation of 5 minutes presentation in session of “John Resig feat. Shibuya.js”. They included very funny ideas by Javascript including modulation of Javascript.
In lighting talk of final session, Channy Yun gave a presentation about HTML5 in Korea. Despite of IE-dominant market in desktop, for one year, it sold over 5 millions HTML5 capable smart phones (Android and iPhone). So HTML5 are very active in mobile and it will give effects to desktop browser market too.
After the conference, all of attendees joined bear party together and enjoyed good time with interesting presentations and lucky lottery. You can see photos in flickr and lighting talks (japanese) in YouTube.
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