Mr. Gen Kanai, a business marketer of Mozilla Japan visited in Korea for relationship with korean internet companies and community people. Gen was very nice and smart and knew korean situation in detail.
He visited Soribada, Empas, NHN, KTH, Daum and NC Soft and talked to them about the introduction and policy of business support of Mozilla. They are interested in Mozilla’s viral marketing such as Firefox flicks.
He recognized why Firefox is not spread here from his trip. There are many IE-centric web pages in Korea and most of internet banking, e-trading and credit card processing are only based on Active X plugins under Internet Explorer. Many of Firefox users cannot help using IETab extensions to surf korean web sites.
So it needs to install IETab by default in official version as sample extensions or to make a customizing community version or to promote to install IETab extension with white-list of korean bank, shopping mall and government.
Gen also met korean community member and talked about promotion campaign for spreading Firefox in Korea. Thanks, Gen for your visit.
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