Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs of Korea guided for all government web sites to support Mozilla Firefox and to follow web standard from this year. MGAHA has the guideline for governmental web site with the policy of construction, maintenance and interoperablity with each organization.
This guideline forced to support Internet Explorer 5.0, Netscape 7.0, Mozilla Firefox 1.0 and Sapari 1.0 in major platfomr of windows, linux and macintosh and make to follow HTML4.01, XHTML1.0, CSS2 of W3C and ECMA Script. Also this guideline required the web accessibility of the similar level of W3C’s WCAG1.0. It included Korean Web Contents Accessibility Guidelines describes the method of developing web contents which all the people include disabled and elderly people can access. Especially, this document helps web contents developers, designers and contents providers make web contents accessible.
The MGAHA of Korea annually evaluated all goverment web sites over 400 organizations. So this guideline will be used to evaluate them from this year. Now many organization are going to consider to renew their web site to support Mozilla Firefox and to follow web standard without table layout for web accessibility and convinience of maintenance. Korea ranked 5th e-government readiness Index in top 10 countries of UNPAN E-government-Global Survey of E-government 2004. MGAHA expects this guideline will help for all govermental web site to support the global standard.
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