Categories: Korean News

Mobile and HTML5, the 3rd Future Web Forum in Korea

Mozilla Korean community joined the 3rd Future Web Forum event in September 4th, in Seoul. It was held in the office of Microsoft Korea and over 170 developers, designers and planners were participated in.

Future web forum was made by expert group engaged browser industry and it has held annual workshop to present modern web technology in view of browser vendors. Korean web developers and designers could get an useful information from it.


The main topic of this workshop is “mobile” browsing. Each vendors gave an introduction for each their products. Especially Channy Yun gave a speech why mobile is important as well as Firefox 3.5 and next release. Mobile is different environment and emergent area in browser.

Opera mini was installed in most favorite Korean smartphone and continued iPhone issues in Korea. He gave HTML 5 demo and talked about importance of HTML5 as a mobile application platform.


Joone Hur, Fennec developer spoke about the current state of Fennec. He also joined panel discussion together Opera and Microsoft guys and said that mobile manufactures want to offer open application platform without license issue and closed SDKs, so HTML5 will be important. But he indicated technical issues as like hardware acceleration must be solved to develop rich application on mobile. Opera and Microsoft guys agreed that HTML5 will be most important part in mobile development.

In this event, Opera Koera and Mozilla community made a booth in Microsoft office and gave a gift to attendees. So many people enjoyed this browser mash-up event together.

All of sessions were recorded and offered by open video format and mp4. You can enjoy HTML5’s powerful video function if you can understand Korean.


You can see more photos in Windows Live and Flickr (coming soon).

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