Categories: Korean News

Firefox 2 Seoul Party

There are various Firefox Parties to celebrate release of new Firefox 2 version in the world. In Korea it was held Firefox Seoul Party in a meeting room of Daum Communications on Dec. 2nd, 2006.

Over 70 people registered in party page, but 20 members joined and enjoyed this party because of sudden cold weather and early notice, so many people forgot the party schedule. Each people introduced oneself and talked about an useful tips of Firefox with Hamburg of Burger King.

ooti’s party photo

One member suggested Free hugs & Free download of Firefox . He give a hug to everyone and it became a congenial gathering. You can feel informal atmosphere video clips edited by kiyong.

After hug time, it holds a lottery for participators. Mr. Gen sent various Firefox stuff including Firefox Strap, T-shirts and stickers. They are very rare items, so many people are glad to get them.

1. Firefos Strap

It’s made by Mozilla Japan. You can see a postscript of strap production.

2. Mozilla Sticker Sets

It’s also made by Mozilla Japan. It contains various scale logo of Firefox, Thunderbird, Mozilla, RSS and Bugzilla.

3. T-Shirts

I gave t-shirts of Firefox, Thunderbird and Bugzilla to drawers of the lucky number. Many people are covetous of Thunderbird’s. Thanks to Gen and congratulations to all!